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Pest Control
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Pest Control Services

Our pest control services in Brighton and Falmouth are designed around your specific requirements. Our team of expert pest control technicians have extensive experience dealing with all kinds of pests, including rodents, insects, and birds, making them more than capable of solving your pest problem.

Whether your pest problem is a single infestation or you require a regular pest management service, we offer efficient and affordable pest control services that get results. We understand that it can be distressing and a hassle to have a pest problem, which is why we are here to help. Our services are available in Falmouth, Brighton and across the whole of Cornwall and Sussex.

Effective Pest Control Services

Having an infestation of any pest can be a nuisance, which is why we only ever use the best and most effective techniques to tackle the issue. Our highly trained team is experienced in using a variety of pest control methods to resolve bug, rodent, woodworm, and bird problems.

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Pest Control Services

Our pest control services cover all manner of creepy crawlies, flying insects, rodents, birds and woodworm.
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Rodent Control

Rid your home or business from rodents for good with our professional rodent control services.
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Insects and Bugs

If you are suffering from an insect and bug invasion, we provide effective control methods to terminate them and prevent a recurrent infestation.
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Commercial Pest Solutions

Don’t let pests affect your business reputation. Our commercial pest solutions will manage your problem.
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BPCA Certified Pest Management Technicians

All of our methods and effective treatments are delivered by highly professional and well-trained technicians, all of which are certified by the BPCA, so you know that you are guaranteed results. You can rest assured that all of our techniques are of the highest standard and follow all regulations to ensure that you no longer have a pest problem. We offer:


The British Pest Control Association (BPCA) acts on behalf of the pest management industry to ensure that the highest standards are met within the industry. Inadequate measures can lead to significant negative effects upon public health and businesses. Thus, a BPCA certification is essential to businesses in the extermination industry as those without one simply cannot be trusted.

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Contact Terminate Pest Control

To enquire about our services or for advice on a problem you may be having, don’t hesitate to give us a call. The sooner we you make us aware of an infestation the more we can do to help. Get in touch today and sort out that pest problem in your residential or commercial property.